Monday, May 11, 2009

Exercise on the Go!!!

(me & my brother Billy on vacation in St. Lucia...& yes... We did workout!)

Summer is almost here and you have worked soooo hard to get that body ready for vacation! Don't let skipping town be your excuse for skipping out on your workout...Here are a few great suggestions on how you can squeeze in a little exercise and still have plenty of time for R & R!

1. RUN!!! Whether you vacation at the beach, the mountains, the city or the cruise, running is something you can do virtually anywhere! Strap on those tennis shoes and get moving! Running in a new environment can also be exciting and a bit of a new challenge when not familiar the exact route.

2. Stairs. Stairs can be used for cardio and strength training. Run or jog up and down. They can also be used to do forward lunges, back lunges, side lunges, tricep dips, mountain climbers, and much more. Talking about a full body workout!!!;)

3. Pack that bag full of rocks! Sounds a little silly, but before you take that hike, pack your bag with something heavy such as rocks and you will be forced to get some strength training in! ...:)

4. Resistance bands. You can easily pack them in your suitcase for travel and do exercises in the car or in your hotel room.

For questions or comments about this article please contact Sarah Lowe at :

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