Wednesday, September 30, 2009

October Boot Camp for Women!!!

Ok Ladies...

It's Boot Camp time again!!!

First of all I would like to thank all of my September Boot Campers. We had a blast! Rain and all! Was a true success and hope to see you all again in October.

The dates for our October Boot Camps will be October 13th- November 5th ( Tuesdays and Thursdays). That will give you all plenty of time to plan ahead for this camp. Please email me with your ideas on time frames for the camps....Does morning or evening work better for you? What time do you sugggest?. We hosted our September Boot Camp at Peachtree Hills Park...And everyone seemed to like this particlar location.

Please email me with your questions, suggestions and comments!

See you soon!

Sarah Lowe

Thursday, September 17, 2009

SAVE a DOG! get a new workout buddy

Now is a better time than ever to add a pet to your family. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals estimates that between 500,00 and 1 million dogs and cats are at risk for becoming homeless this year....primarily due to owners who are having to cut costs because of the downfall in the economy.

Running and exercising with man's (or woman's! ) best friend can be the extra motivation that you need to get your workout jump started. It's much easier to get motivated to push that extra lap or mile when you have a furry friend eagerly doing it with you.

Kick start your fitness routine today and create a happy home for a pet in need! If you are in the Atlanta area please visit Outside of the Atlanta area?....Still no excuse for not adopting! ; )...visit

Have questions about this article?...

Email me at

Thursday, September 10, 2009

My FAVORITE new book!!! "Eat This, Not That"

Ok everyone...I have never written about a book that I have truly enjoyed....until today! : ).... I am not promoting this book for any reason except for the simple fact that I think it is great!. I was at Barnes & Noble today browsing around and stumbled upon this book called "Eat This. Not That" By David Zinczenko.....One word, AMAZING! I recommend this book to everyone! It's short, easy to read, and will help you make better choices about the food you eat. Learn about what the USDA considers "Organic" and "All Natural"...You will be amazed and horrified at the same time. For example: Did you know that the USDA doesn't carefully regulate the term "All natural"--- making it all but meaningless to the consumer! Wow!.....Please check this book out....Borrow it from the library even.... I bought it at Barnes & Noble store but I think if you purchase it online though Barnes & Noble you'll save quite a bit of money...

Please contact Sarah Lowe @ regarding this article

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wood is to Fire, as Protein is to Humans!

I have had many questions regarding proper protein consumption so I have decided to write about it...

Skipping meals improves your chances that you will fail to reach your weight loss goals. Eating breakfast and small meals (4-6 per day) prevents binge eating, nighttime snacking, and weight gain. It also keeps your metabolism at an optimal pace.The body requires fuel to keep your metabolism burning. Like a camp fire. To keep the fire burning strong, you must feed it with small doses of wood. If you drop a large log on the fire, it may still keep burning, but not as effectively.

Still think of the camp fire...look at it's preferred fuel choice. Add paper or "empty calories" to the fire and it will burn very quickly. As a result, the fire becomes starved and must be fed very often. Now if you add a mixture of paper and wood, the fire will have enough fuel to burn for a longer period of time. The wood will satisfy the fires appetite more than the paper.

Protein is essential for building and repairing muscles, red blood cells, hair, and other tissues, and it is necessary for synthesizing hormones. Next to water, proteins are the most abundant substances in most cells. Protein is digested into 22 amino acids, 13 of which the body manufactures. Since the human body cannot manufacture the other 9 amino acids, it is necessary that we consume the proper amount of protein to provide our bodies with them.

Most people believe you must eat meat to get the "complete" protein supplies. But that is not necessarily true. Those who prefer not to eat meat, such as Vegetarians, can still get all 9 amino acids. By combining grains with legumes (dried beans with corn, tofu with brown rice, or peanut butter with bread), the nine essential amino acids can still be obtained. note: consumption of protein from meat products is much more stressful to the environment than consumption of protein from plant sources. For example: It takes approximately 20 lb. of feed, most often corn, to make a pound of beef!!!hmmmm...maybe vegetarian is the way to go...?).

Bottom Line People: Your diet should always include a source of protein at each meal and snack.

Here is a simple table I have included for you to calculate your protein needs:

1. Calculate your body weight in kg: body weight in lb. x .45 = body weight in kg.
2. Multiply weight in kg. by 0.8 .The result is the grams of protein you should consume per day

For Example: client body weight is 160 lbs.
1. 160 x .45 = 72 kg.
2. 72 x 0.8 = 57.6 grams of protein per day

For questions about this article or for individulized fitness sessions please contact Sarah Lowe @ or 404.551.5979