Thursday, September 17, 2009

SAVE a DOG! get a new workout buddy

Now is a better time than ever to add a pet to your family. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals estimates that between 500,00 and 1 million dogs and cats are at risk for becoming homeless this year....primarily due to owners who are having to cut costs because of the downfall in the economy.

Running and exercising with man's (or woman's! ) best friend can be the extra motivation that you need to get your workout jump started. It's much easier to get motivated to push that extra lap or mile when you have a furry friend eagerly doing it with you.

Kick start your fitness routine today and create a happy home for a pet in need! If you are in the Atlanta area please visit Outside of the Atlanta area?....Still no excuse for not adopting! ; )...visit

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