Monday, September 13, 2010

How Big is Your But???!!!

But I don't have time...

But I work all day...

But I don't have the energy...

Many of us are lacking motivation for various reasons.What is Motivation ?---that which gives purpose and direction to behavior. We're looking for something to drive us, push us, inspire us!

Here are a few tips on how to create your motivation:

Goals: Be reasonable! Most people set unrealistic goals ( I want to lose 50 lbs in 1 week!!!)--Ummm...yea right.  Set daily goals such as, " I'm going to walk 20 minutes today." or weekly such as " I will exercise a minimum of 3 days this week."

Preparation: Have what you need to follow through with your workouts. Jump rope, Gym membership, prepare your meals for that day, etc...

Discipline: Find ways to make your workout a habit..just like brushing your teeth. If you're a morning person, exercise in the morning. If you prefer being indoors, join a gym. If you are really cold, throw your clothes in the dryer to warm them up before you jog.

Commitment: Spend a few minutes each day or morning re-evaluating your goals. Being healthy is a decision we make every day--not just once. Post encouraging quotes around the house to keep you motivated to stay on the right track.

Having Fun: Be silly! Getting bored with your normal jog?--Jump in the pool with your clothes on when you finish up. Try doing a new Zumba or kickboxing class.

Reward Yourself: This is my favorite step! It might be something small such as treating yourself to a spa day at Spa Sydell, or a trip to your local Borders bookstore.

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