Welcome to my personal blog! I have created this blog to help educate my clients and the general public on the importance of staying fit and healthy. If you have any Fitness or Weight Loss questions please email me at: sarahlowefitness@yahoo.com
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Grand Opening Celebration at Georgia Athletic Club
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
October Boot Camp for Women!!!
Ok Ladies...
It's Boot Camp time again!!!
First of all I would like to thank all of my September Boot Campers. We had a blast! Rain and all! Was a true success and hope to see you all again in October.
The dates for our October Boot Camps will be October 13th- November 5th ( Tuesdays and Thursdays). That will give you all plenty of time to plan ahead for this camp. Please email me with your ideas on time frames for the camps....Does morning or evening work better for you? What time do you sugggest?. We hosted our September Boot Camp at Peachtree Hills Park...And everyone seemed to like this particlar location.
Please email me with your questions, suggestions and comments!
See you soon!
Sarah Lowe
Thursday, September 17, 2009
SAVE a DOG! get a new workout buddy
Running and exercising with man's (or woman's! ) best friend can be the extra motivation that you need to get your workout jump started. It's much easier to get motivated to push that extra lap or mile when you have a furry friend eagerly doing it with you.
Kick start your fitness routine today and create a happy home for a pet in need! If you are in the Atlanta area please visit www.atlantahumane.org Outside of the Atlanta area?....Still no excuse for not adopting! ; )...visit www.aspca.org
Have questions about this article?...
Email me at sarahlowefitness@yahoo.com
Thursday, September 10, 2009
My FAVORITE new book!!! "Eat This, Not That"
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Wood is to Fire, as Protein is to Humans!
Skipping meals improves your chances that you will fail to reach your weight loss goals. Eating breakfast and small meals (4-6 per day) prevents binge eating, nighttime snacking, and weight gain. It also keeps your metabolism at an optimal pace.The body requires fuel to keep your metabolism burning. Like a camp fire. To keep the fire burning strong, you must feed it with small doses of wood. If you drop a large log on the fire, it may still keep burning, but not as effectively.
Still think of the camp fire...look at it's preferred fuel choice. Add paper or "empty calories" to the fire and it will burn very quickly. As a result, the fire becomes starved and must be fed very often. Now if you add a mixture of paper and wood, the fire will have enough fuel to burn for a longer period of time. The wood will satisfy the fires appetite more than the paper.
Protein is essential for building and repairing muscles, red blood cells, hair, and other tissues, and it is necessary for synthesizing hormones. Next to water, proteins are the most abundant substances in most cells. Protein is digested into 22 amino acids, 13 of which the body manufactures. Since the human body cannot manufacture the other 9 amino acids, it is necessary that we consume the proper amount of protein to provide our bodies with them.
Most people believe you must eat meat to get the "complete" protein supplies. But that is not necessarily true. Those who prefer not to eat meat, such as Vegetarians, can still get all 9 amino acids. By combining grains with legumes (dried beans with corn, tofu with brown rice, or peanut butter with bread), the nine essential amino acids can still be obtained. note: consumption of protein from meat products is much more stressful to the environment than consumption of protein from plant sources. For example: It takes approximately 20 lb. of feed, most often corn, to make a pound of beef!!!hmmmm...maybe vegetarian is the way to go...?).
1. Calculate your body weight in kg: body weight in lb. x .45 = body weight in kg.
2. Multiply weight in kg. by 0.8 .The result is the grams of protein you should consume per day
For Example: client body weight is 160 lbs.
1. 160 x .45 = 72 kg.
2. 72 x 0.8 = 57.6 grams of protein per day
For questions about this article or for individulized fitness sessions please contact Sarah Lowe @
sarahlowefitness@yahoo.com or 404.551.5979
Monday, August 31, 2009
To My September Bootcampers!!!
Boot Camp will begin promptly @ 8:30 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.!!!
Please enter at the Peachtree Hills Recreation Dept. The address is 308 Peachtree Hills Ave. NE, Atlanta Ga. There is plenty of parking. I'll be waiting for you at the tennis courts.
Again, Comfortable sports attire and tennis shoes a must!
Water provided.
I will have coupon packets to you all next week. Please take advantage of all the great discounts & get out there and support our locally owned small business's. :)
Last but certainly not least....Have fun, Enjoy yourself, and Let's reach those fitness goals together!!!
Please contact me if you have any questions about the camp @ 404.551.5979 or email @ sarahlowefitness@yahoo.com
Women's Fitness Camp!!!
Camp begins tomorrow!!!
Ladies, now is your last chance to lock in to our Boot Camp for September. Sign up online and pay only $89.99!!!
When is Camp? Sept 1st-Sept. 24th 8:15 .a.m or 6:00 p.m.
Bring a towel, comfortable sports attire and tennis shoes. Get ready to sweat!!! :)
See you there!!!
Email me @ sarahlowefitness@yahoo.com
or call 404.551.5979 for more info.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Women's Fitness Camp!!!
It's almost here Ladies!!!
Only one more week to sign up for our 4 week Boot Camp!
Camp Dates: Sept. 1st- Sept. 24th, Tuesday & Thursdays 8:30 a.m.-9:15 a.m. or 6:00 p.m.- 6:45 p.m.
Camp Location: Peachtree Hills Park
308 Peachtree Hills Ave. NE
Sign up before Aug. 28th & pay ONLY $89.99!!!
Call or email me today for more information
sarahlowefitness@yahoo.com or 404.551.5979
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Fitness Camp for Women
Women's Fitness Camp!!!
What is it? A four week fitness program twice a week for women. This program is designed to put you in the best shape of your life! We proudly offer a great fitness experience to women of all ages, shapes, sizes, and fitness levels.
When? September 1st- September 24th Tuesdays & Thursdays 8:30 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. or 6:00 p.m.-6:45 p.m.
What to expect? This boot camp is intense! Our mission is to be the BEST women we can be! That means taking these 45 minutes of boot camp and challenging yourself to accomplish what you thought was impossible! You are stronger than you think you are!
Where do I go? Peachtree Hills Park ,
308 Peachtree Hills Ave. NE.
Atlanta , GA
What should I wear and bring to the camp? Wear comfortable tennis shoes, sports attire & bring a towel—Get ready to SWEAT! Bottled water will be provided to all campers..
How much does this program cost? Only $99! (That costs less than a personal trainer at your gym!) Sign up before Aug. 28th & pay only $89.99!!!
How do I sign up? Email Sarah @ sarahlowefitness@yahoo.com or call 404.551.5979 for more info.
Program is filling up quickly! Limited availability! Sign up now to guarantee a spot!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Fitness Boot Camp for Kids!!!
Ok everyone please spread the word about this Fitness Boot Camp for Kids that I'm sponsoring this summer...
Fitness Boot Camp for Kids!!!
What is it? A four week fitness program twice a week for ages 5-12 years old
When? Monday & Wednesday evenings June 1st-June 24th from 5:45 pm- 6:45 pm
What does the program involve? Boot campers receive athletic instruction from a certified fitness trainer, where positive reinforcement is continually at work to encourage kids, whatever their skill level. Your child will learn good nutritional habits while gaining the strength and self esteem to make good lifestyle decisions. We will help your child get or maintain in shape, gain confidence, get challenged through new activities, make friendships and have the time of their lives!
Where do I bring my child? E.
How much does this program cost? Only $100!!!
How do I sign up? Email Sarah @ sarahlowefitness@yahoo.com or call 404.551.5979 for more info.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Exercise on the Go!!!
Summer is almost here and you have worked soooo hard to get that body ready for vacation! Don't let skipping town be your excuse for skipping out on your workout...Here are a few great suggestions on how you can squeeze in a little exercise and still have plenty of time for R & R!
2. Stairs. Stairs can be used for cardio and strength training. Run or jog up and down. They can also be used to do forward lunges, back lunges, side lunges, tricep dips, mountain climbers, and much more. Talking about a full body workout!!!;)
3. Pack that bag full of rocks! Sounds a little silly, but before you take that hike, pack your bag with something heavy such as rocks and you will be forced to get some strength training in! ...:)
4. Resistance bands. You can easily pack them in your suitcase for travel and do exercises in the car or in your hotel room.
For questions or comments about this article please contact Sarah Lowe at :
Monday, March 30, 2009
Good Friends are Good for your Health!
Good friends may help your life last longer, according to an Australian study. Conducted by the Centre for Ageing Studies at Flinders University, the study followed nearly 1,500 older adults for 10 years. It found that those who had a large network of friends outlived those with the fewest friends by 22%.
Why is this? Many suspect it is because good friends discourage unhealthy behaviors such as smoking and heavy drinking. And the companionship provided by friends may help reduce depression, boost self-esteem, and provide support. Also, as people age, they may become more selective in their choice of friends, so they spend more time with people they like.
Other studies have shown that people with fewer friends tend to die sooner after having a heart attack than people with a strong social network. Having lots of friends may even reduce your chances of catching a cold.
People with social support have fewer cardiovascular problems and immune problems, and lower levels of cortisol -- a stress hormone.
Therefore, people with social connections feel more relaxed and at peace, which is related to better health.
Bottom Line! Eat right, Exercise, and increase your circle of friends! You may even want to try online social groups. I have listed a few below....